Trademark registration status protects the brand and logo. Like a name is the one of a kind identifier for an individual, trademark a name gives legitimate assurance to the interesting character of a specific item or administration which recognize it from the items or administrations of comparative classification. It tends to be as logo, brand, slogan or it very well may be a blend of name and logo both. It can likewise be acquired for a Business name, particular expressions, slogans or inscriptions.
The trademark registration is represented by The Trade Marks Act 1999. The methodology for registration of trademark a name is a quick trademark enrollment measure which is done on the web and the trademark is fit to be utilized inside hours. Notwithstanding, it is significant that the trademark ought not to be like a current trademark or ought not to be explicitly precluded by law. You can take help of a trademark lawyer to enroll a trademark.
Trademark Filing & how the search done

The trademark search in the public information base is fundamental before you embrace a business name, trademark, and brand or space name. It is similarly significant before an application for Trademark Registration is recorded. The consciousness of Intellectual Property and specifically of the Trademark has steadily expanded among Indian new companies, people, Companies, Firms from the previous decade. Each financial specialist in the current situation needs to overcome with the enlistment of an imprint which can distinguish their item or administrations from different participants. In this manner, it is significant for all the candidates to do the definite pursuit before petitioning for the utilization of Trademark so that while recording the Trademark application the candidate is certain about the uniqueness of their Trademark and probability of registration is higher.
Trademark filing online
The trademark registration online is the easiest process in digital world.
Information Form
Educate our chiefs regarding your image name(s) and nature of business.
Free Search Report
Trademark registration online will look through the Official TM Registry to check for its accessibility.
Then assist you with setting up the records required for the TM application.
After accepting affirmation on the draft, we will petition for Trademark Registration.
Your application is documented inside 1 hour of accepting your affirmation
Trademark registration Status

New application
This implies the application has been recorded or gone into the information base of the trademark vault. This is the initial step after which the brand name application will be handled.
Send to Vienna codification
It is one of the underlying phases of the trademark registration measure where the status in the Trade Mark Registry site shows as ‘Send to Vienna Codification’.
As an aspect of the trademark registration measure, any brand names including representative components/logo is appointed a Vienna Code by the Indian Trademark Registry. The Vienna code is appointed dependent on the idea of the metaphorical component/logo. Vienna codification is done with the goal that brand name searches can be led for fine art/logo.
Formalities check pass
At this stage, all the procedural customs like filling the intensity of lawyer, giving interpretation where any report isn’t in English/Hindi, etc are gathered. If all the procedural conventions are appropriately finished, at that point the brand name status will reflect as ‘Formalities Check Pass’. At the point when such fundamental prerequisites are not met, the status could be reflected as ‘Formalities Check Fail’.
Formalities check fail
In the event that some procedural customs are inadequate or have not acceptably agreed, the brand name application status will show as ‘Formalities Check Fail’. This could occur in conditions, for example, non-recording of POA, non-documenting of interpretation/literal interpretation and recording in an inappropriate class, and so forth. At this stage, the purpose behind the complaint ought to be learned by the candidate and fitting move ought to be made for the application to push ahead for registration.
Send back to EDP

EDP represents Electronic Data Processing. In a trademark registration application, all the reports and information section are digitized. In the event that there have been a few mistakes during information passage that should be amended, the application status demonstrated is, ‘Send Back to EDP’. This status doesn’t need the candidate to make any strides.
Send back to PRAS
Pre-registration amendment section reflects when the candidate has documented a revision before the trademark registration. The change might be to the owner name, address or something like that.
Marked for exam
When the conventions are checked pass, the application is then put aside to start the first of the few phases of enlistment, specifically ‘Examination of trademark’. At the point when the brand name is to be inspected quickly, the Trademark Office sets up the status ‘marked for test’, and the trademark registration application is relegated to an Examiner. This implies the brand name analyst has taken the application for close assessment.
Exam report accepted/issued
After the inspector directs the assessment, the test report is given. ‘Accepted’ signifies, the inspector has not brought up any criticisms and that the brand name will be distributed in the brand name diary, before enrollment.
The inspector can mention criticisms in the Examination Report. At this stage, the status reflected is, ‘Objected’. The assessment report referring to the protests can be seen in the Trade Mark Registry site.
On the off chance that the candidate neglects to react to the trademark recorder inside the specified period, the application for the enlistment of Trademark is relinquished.
This implies the application is denied by the analyst, in the wake of hearing the candidate’s reaction to the unfavorable assessment report.
Advertised before Accepted

The status is reflected as ‘Advertised before accepted’ when the trademark application is publicized or distributed in the Trade Marks Journal. At this stage, the application is open for restriction by the third party. This is one of the last phases of the trademark registration measure. When the trademark is distributed in the Trade Marks Journal, a time of four months is given for any outsider to contradict the registration of trademark.
This implies an outsider has had a problem with the trademark. The status is reflected as ‘registered’ when an outsider has recorded a resistance to the registered trademark. The notification of restriction is sent by the Registry to the candidate or its specialist.
Trademark application status is reflected as ‘Registered’ when the trademark is registered under the Indian Trade Mark Registry, and the enrollment declaration has been given by the Registrar. It infers that the candidate turns into the registered proprietor of the brand name and is qualified for utilize the ® image.
A trademark can be taken out from the Register of trademark. This might be a result of non-restoration of the trademark.
At the point when the candidate records the necessary reports to pull back the application, the trademark application status is reflected as ‘Withdrawn’. It is hence, imperative to check the trademark registration application status every once in a while.